Friday, June 18, 2010

"Like"ing our way deeper into or beyond dual thinking?

Walking to work this morning, giving a thumbs up or down to the various musical selections that Pandora was making for me led me to wonder whether Facebook style "like"ing of everything under the sun was making our preference oriented world more deeply mired in our opinions.

Then a different totally unsubstantiated thought entered my head. What if by giving the little self's voice expression on any topic it desires in a socially acceptable and even entertaining way, it no longer needs to compete with our true voice. They just each are allowed to find their own level. It's no good pretending that we don't like/dislike this or that particular song or restaurant or whatever.

A side note is that on Facebook there is in fact only one button: Like. Apparently they know Thumper's mom. Pushing this button only creates connections. (However don't push my metaphor too far because as soon as you hit it that button says in a rather Newspeak sort of way: unlike; oh well, one thing at a time).

So you be the judge. Feel free to Like this theory or "don't say anything at all."

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